Sunday, March 6, 2011

Mimi's with Great Grandpa

I had one of these babies for breakfast...Mimi's Cafe Banana Chocolate Chip Muffin.

I'm not gonna lie, one of my favorite moments of my great grandpa's birthday parties are when he gets a Mimi's gift certificate from my uncle. He always ends up taking us out for dinner soon after.
When we go my sis and I always have to have the strawberry lemonade. Whether we're there or Olive Garden, strawberry lemonade is a must.
So the first decision was an easy one, but actually choosing what I was going to eat was pretty difficult. I used to always get a Thai chicken wrap, but they took that off the menu a while ago. Sad day.
The waitress came back to me twice before I had my mind made up. I finally settled with the Monterey Omelette, no avocado (I hate the texture of it.) The only reason I chose this plate is because it came with a muffin. Yeah the omelette was good, but the muffin is what made it worth it. It was hard, but I made sure to save half for this morning's breakfast. Don't do what I did and sacrifice your meal so you can bring home a muffin, just get what you want and take some home with you. They have too many other options that are infinitely better than an omelette for dinner. :)
I won't make you all think I'm heartless and use my dear great grandpa for dinner. It was truly nice to see him last night. He's 98 now and last night he was the sharpest I had seen him in a long time. He has his ups and downs, has fallen more than a few times, and almost never hears me when we're together. Yesterday was definitely an up, though. He was making conversation with me and I was at least convinced he was hearing what I was saying. He was pretty sharp and knew what was going on. I just wish he had more days like that, because he's practically a walking history book. Could you imagine all the cool stories you would have if you were nearly a century old? If only he could hear me, I would visit with him for days just so I could write all the stories down.
Love that of the most considerate people in the world.
Our last family photo...he's taking his siesta.

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