Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Pizza Bites and Pizza Bistros

I like to think that doesn't count as alliteration.
So I'm extremely upset I haven't been able to post for a while. It seems like I've been working nonstop. Either that, or sleeping. Work has been a lot of fun. It's been crazy at times, I get a little stressed since I'm a newbie, but everyone's there to help. Only downfall: forcing myself not to take home a pizza cookie every night. Those things are deadly. I can barely keep my hands off the pizza and pasta as it is.
For those not aware of Oregano's and their world famous pizza cookie (some may call it a pizzookie), it's a deep dish pizza pan filled with half baked, gooey pizza dough and topped with a heap of ice cream scoops. They serve it hot out of the oven so you have to eat it right away before the ice cream melts. My favorite flavor is peanut butter chocolate chip. They also come in white chocolate macadamia nut and traditional chocolate chip. If you have never tried one, you must. It's not an option, I'm forcing you.
Along with working, I've found some time here and there for friends. On Saturday after work, I went over to housesit with my dear friend Ali. Her addiction to food blogs is almost as bad as mine. We had been gawking at this pizza bite recipe for awhile and were finally able to test it out that night.
We cheated a tad. Instead of pizza dough, we used premade biscuit dough and since we didn't have any pepperoni, we chopped up some meatballs and put them inside.
 Here are most of the ingredients we used. We're missing the olive oil, Italian seasoning, and meatballs.
 Darling Ali drizzling olive oil and Italian seasoning. (Love you! :D)


I'm going to go ahead and say our version was better, no need to try the true recipe. :P

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